毒氣雙子派傷 Weezing Spread Deck (SS2)

****** Pokémon Trading Card Game Deck List ******

##Pokémon – 13

* 1 Larvitar LOT 115
* 4 Tapu Koko PR-SM 31
* 4 Koffing UNB 73
* 4 Weezing UNB 74

##Trainer Cards – 39

* 4 Professor Sycamore STS 114
* 1 Computer Search BCR 137
* 2 Rescue Stretcher BUS 165
* 4 Spell Tag LOT 190
* 2 Shrine of Punishment CES 143
* 4 Nest Ball SUM 123
* 4 Ultra Ball SUM 161
* 2 Silent Lab PRC 140
* 4 Cynthia UPR 148
* 3 VS Seeker ROS 110
* 2 Field Blower GRI 163
* 1 N NVI 101
* 4 Mysterious Treasure FLI 145
* 1 Guzma BUS 115
* 1 Enhanced Hammer GRI 162

##Energy – 8

* 4 Twin Energy RCL 209
* 4 Double Colorless Energy FCO 114

Total Cards – 60

****** Deck List Generated by the Pokémon TCG Online www.pokemon.com/TCGO ******